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Square Feet to  Yards

Square Feet to  Yards
by delicias on 02/06/02 at 20:58:23

::)  I'm trying to find out exactly how much carpet I will need for my house.

They told me I had a total of 1617 sq. ft.  But what is this in yards?

Re: Square Feet to  Yards
by Robert Fogt on 02/07/02 at 16:33:59

That is 179.667 square yards.

Re: Square Feet to  Yards
by ryan jessen on 03/18/02 at 17:52:11

I need to know if i have a sidewalk that is 40' long 4' wide and 6" deep how many yards

Re: Square Feet to  Yards
by RE on 03/22/02 at 07:59:23

I have a question, how do I solve for this....

What is the cost to build a structure 60ft. long, 12 ft. wide, and 6 inches thick if the cost of material is $5 a cubic foot and labor is $2 per sq.ft.?

Thanks! :-/

Re: Square Feet to  Yards
by Robert Fogt on 03/22/02 at 11:56:53

First lets figure out the square feet and cubic feet.

60 x 12 = 720 square feet
60 x 12 x .5 = 360 cubic feet

The price:
material = 360 x 5 = $1800
labor = 720 x 2 = $1440

Total: $3240

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