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Find time in one city in relation to another

Find time in one city in relation to another
by Roy Lukose on 05/27/02 at 22:53:14

Is there a table to instantly find out what the time will be in one city, say, New Delhi, by fixing a particular time, say 9.30 or 14.50 in another city, say, Paris ?
This facility would be very useful for fixing a tele or video conferencing etc.  

Re: Find time in one city in relation to another
by Robert Fogt on 05/27/02 at 23:26:23

I don't know of anything off hand.

A good place to start looking is:

They have a much more extensive collection of time related stuff then you will find here.

Re: Find time in one city in relation to another
by Robert C. on 07/01/02 at 13:10:30

World Time Server is also a good site. Quick from current time. With a little simple math, you can figure anything. Also download the Atomic Clock to keep your PC on time.

Re: Find time in one city in relation to another
by Kaler Colson on 08/10/02 at 18:30:33

Go to www.timeanddate.com

Just type in the name of the city, or country, or continent, and it will tell you the time there.

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