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Cubic foot to Pound

Cubic foot to Pound
by golfkn on 01/08/03 at 14:16:04

I would like to measure Zinc in a dock. I measured the size of dock and like to convert pound so I can know how much Zinc is in it.

Thank You

Re: Cubic foot to Pound
by Robert Fogt on 01/09/03 at 05:58:06

You can create a volume to weight conversion if you know the specific gravity of the substance.

I have a large list of substances with their specific gravity, but I am not sure what you mean by dock. Let me know what a dock is made of and I might be of some help.

Re: Cubic foot to Pound
by golfkn1 on 01/09/03 at 07:43:02

I should say Zinc in the Kettle.
I measured the volume(cubic feet) of the kettle where contains Zinc(liquid form). I would like to find out how Zinc weighs in pound, so I can calculate the value of Zinc.

Thank You

Re: Cubic foot to Pound
by Robert Fogt on 01/09/03 at 09:49:41

I have data for:

Zinc, cast: 440 pounds per cubic foot
Zinc oxide: 25 pounds per cubic foot

Just multiply the volume of the kettle (in cubic feet) by the above conversion factor that matches your substance and you'll get the number of pounds.

If the substance is some other form of zinc, you will need to somehow track down the specific gravity, and I can create a volume to weight conversion from that.

Re: Cubic foot to Pound
by golfkn2 on 01/09/03 at 09:53:13

Thank You ;D

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