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by aja8888 on 12/17/03 at 09:59:52

??? I have to represent an internal combustion engine exhaust flow rate in Feet Per Second.  The stack is 8 inches in diameter.  Manufacturer's data give me an exhaust flow rate of 2425 Cubic Feet Per Minute.  How do I get to FPS?? (Or can I??)



Re: CFM to FPS?
by Robert Fogt on 12/17/03 at 16:05:06

You just need to divide the CFM by the cross secional area of the pipe. Though they both need to be in the same unit, such as feet.

8 inchs = 0.666667 feet

A 0.666667 diameter circle has an area of:
Pi * (0.666667 / 2)[sup]2[/sup] = 0.348889 square feet

2425 cubic feet / 0.348889 square feet = 6950.6347 feet

6950.6347 feet per minute

Though you wanted feet per second, so divide by 60.

6950.6347 / 60 = 115.84391 feet per second

Re: CFM to FPS?
by aja8888 on 12/19/03 at 13:36:32

;) Thanks!


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