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measure a round area

measure a round area
by misterfinca on 10/15/04 at 02:18:27

I own a  round "rancho"(chiqui hut) i will like to put a tile floor on it.
I will like to know how to get the square footage of it.

it measures from one extreme to the other 11 meters.(wide)

Re: measure a round area
by Robert Fogt on 10/15/04 at 06:46:49

The formula for the area of a circle is Pi*r[sup]2[/sup]

For a circle with a diameter of 11 meters:

r = 11/2 = 5.5 meters

Area = 3.14159 * (5.5 * 5.5) = 95.0330975 square meters

95.0330975 square meter = 1,022.9277481 square foot

Just about 1023 square feet

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