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Convert windspeed to force per area

Convert windspeed to force per area
by mammel on 12/03/04 at 13:09:49

If someone can please help me here, I would be very appreciative.

I need to be able to convert wind speed of miles per hour or Km/hour to a force per square foot, can someone talk me through this.

Example what is the equivalent PSF of a 100mph wind?

15 psf = ? mph

Re: Convert windspeed to force per area
by Robert Fogt on 12/04/04 at 00:06:19

Is this for the force of wind on buildings?

I have a couple sites bookmarked that deal with that, but none listed anything that was exactly what you were looking for.

Re: Convert windspeed to force per area
by mammel on 12/06/04 at 05:37:37

Yes, this is for calculations on building walls.

basically I have a type of wall cladding panel that is rated for a certain amount of load per square foot, with its supporting wall girts at another spacing, as follows

Panel - 5/16" thick (48" wide)
for a maximum deflection of 1"
15 psf = support member spacing = 32"
30 psf = supporting member spacing = 22"

I need to know 2 things: How to calculate a windspeed to force per area.
I need this essentially so I can determine what my supporting member spacing is.

I hope this is enough background information to illustrate what I need to accomplish.

Thanks for any help you can provide.

Re: Convert windspeed to force per area
by Robert Fogt on 12/07/04 at 22:29:34

Try this page here:

There is one other page there that might be of help, though I think the above link is the one you want.

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