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Celsius to Fahrienheit

Celsius to Fahrienheit
by Stephen Smith on 04/21/05 at 20:47:43

At what temperature are the Fahrenheit scales the same?

Re: Celsius to Fahrienheit
by Robert Fogt on 04/22/05 at 04:29:08

Did you mean at what temperature is Fahrenheit and Celsius the same?

At -40 degrees

I calculated it by using algebra on one of the two formulas.
°F = (°C * 9/5) + 32
°C = (°F - 32) * 5/9

Since you want to know when both are the same, we use the same value for both °C and °F, call it x.
x = (x * 9/5) + 32
x = 9/5x + 32
x - 9/5x = 32
-4/5x = 32
x = 32 * 5/4
-x = 40
x = -40

You could do the same for the other formula to double check if you wanted.

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