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Convert SY of Limestone to Tons

Convert SY of Limestone to Tons
by Dwightgolf on 06/16/05 at 18:36:13

Could you please tell me how to convert 1300 cubic yards of limestone of the following sizes (crushed-1/2”, ¾”,1½” ,2” ,2 ½”, large- 100,150, 200 pound stones) to tons? Thank you for your help.Dwight

Re: Convert SY of Limestone to Tons
by Robert Fogt on 06/17/05 at 01:59:11

I would need to know the density of the substance in order to create the conversion for you.

The only data I know of is from Reade at:

It only lists one size, and does not specify which size it is, it just says crushed.

If any of those on that page will work, I can create the conversion using that data. Or if you have the density of the items on your list, I can create the conversions for you.

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