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lb/min to SCFM

lb/min to SCFM
by Sherrie Wasterlain on 11/03/05 at 22:15:23

Would anyone know how to convert lb/min of Oxygen to SCFM?

Re: lb/min to SCFM
by Robert Fogt on 11/04/05 at 05:29:48

SCFM stands for Standard Cubic Foot per Minute.

Pure oxygen at standard temperature and pressure has a density of 1.429 kilograms/cubic meter.

That means 1 pound is 11.2096 cubic feet

pound/minute * 11.2096 = cubic feet/minute

Keep in mind that it will be different for every temperature and pressure.

I am not exactly sure what standard temperature and pressure is for your industry, but it is probably a temperature of 20 degree Celsius and a pressure of 1 atmosphere.

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