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Shape Areas

Various calculators for finding the area and perimeter of two dimensional shapes.

  • Annulus Calculate the area and circumference of an annulus. A donut shaped area.
  • Circle Calculate the area and circumference of a circle.
  • Ellipse Calculate the area, eccentricity, focus, and circumference of an ellipse.
  • Irregular Polygon, traverse Calculate the area of an irregular polygon given side lengths and bearings.
  • Parallelogram Calculate the area or perimeter of a parallelogram.
  • Rectangle Calculate the area, length, width, or perimeter of a rectangular shape.
  • Sector of a Circle Calculate the area or perimeter of a sector of a circle. A piece of pie shaped area.
  • Square Calculate the area or perimeter of a perfect square.
  • Trapezoid Calculate the area of a trapezoid. A shape with two parallel sides.
  • Triangle, equilateral Calculate the area or perimeter of an equilateral triangle. Sometimes called a regular triangle, it has three equal sides.
  • Triangle, right Calculate the area or perimeter of a right triangle, a triangle with one angle that equals 90 degrees.
  • Triangle, scalene Calculate the area or perimeter of a scalene triangle, a triangle with three sides of different length.

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